Monday, February 11, 2008

Everything is incurred in the price.

Buy high sell low.  I done that officially 2 times.  And i promise myself.  I have to do more research.  I bought tech at its peak in nov.  bought VEU at its peak.  got owned.  and Cities bank at 30 dollars.

Currently.  My portfolio, looks something like this
100 shares of Etrade (ETFC) at 5.00 bought
50 shares of MCD at 51 dollars
60 shares of DBA at 36 dollars

Right now i am looking at UNG and ACI and DBC is also a possibility since i wanted to tap into some OIL but i am not sure. USO is also looking pretty sexy.  I will be ready to jump into some PBW in about 2-3 weeks.  renewable is starting to look pretty good.  Besides my 2 ugly trades i have made.  I am up 8%....but with those trades its pretty bad.  I lost close to 10% with those 3 bad trades.  
both really interesting.

Its an interesting times.  I am finally getting the hang of this garbage.  I am gonna start paper trade shorting.  To be interesting.  I am gonna start shorting everything jim cramer says on TV short term trading.  I think its a good idea.  Price action volitility causes price to shift lower to faster and up slower.  so shorting is pretty profitable.
  I definately want to do this.

Anyone wanna have a side bet with me?

Sunday, December 02, 2007


I bought 100 shares of JMBA at 3.30.
Bought 50 shares of C (citi) at 32.15, i wish they would go lower so i can buy more. ugh

I really am debating on picking up QQQQ. I really want to buy haven't.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hedge funds are doomed

Here is an article on why hedge funds will fail because of their high leverage. Even though there are tons of inefficiencies in the market. High leverage means failure long run.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Quick Interesting ways of generating money

The Cup and Handle pattern is a cool pattern that I just read about

This is very interesting because it shows how the volatile markets are ineffective markets. And very profitable and not just a complete crap shoot.

Another links that I found that was rather interesting
Time to Hedge

This article is also fascinating because it talks about taking the +EV on certain bets. So according to this article one should short the endices according to these articles. I wonder how accurate these articles are so i will ask my econ professor tomorrow. These are both very interesting artcles, I hope you guys who read this also learn a couple things for these articles.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Midnight Poker

Even though this is from last weekend, I still remember the hands being played quite vividly. This was one of the longest sessions I put in a long time. It was definitely pretty crazy. My good friend from school John aka "Murph" drove to Indianapolis to test out our waters as semi-pro poker players and play long a long session till our eyes feel like falling off. Well that’s what we did, I played from 11 PM to 4 am and my friend Murph played until 5:30 am.

A few hands that stuck out in my mind, but one hand that grabbed at my attention is where I got a nice cooler. 1/2 NL I had 300 dollars both villains cover. I was in the BB and there was a small raise MP raise to 7 dollars. This was the small raise of the night, but I were to raise, I would only get called by better hands, so raise would be useless with 2 people in the pot. So MP raises and Button calls, I call behind. Flop is 10/8/7 with 2 spades. I am ecstatic but also mad that there are so many draws out there right now. So I bet 20 dollars in a ~20 dollar pot. Everybody calls. I bet 80 on the turn, and the MP raises all in. Button folds and I call. Set vs. Straight. So dirty, but he landed a nice hand, so I reload.

Couple hands later, I am trying to appearing steaming with A/J suited in the SB. MP raises to 10 dollar 3 caller. I re-raise to 35 dollars. All call, 5 to the Flop, A/J/9 2 clubs. I stare at the flop for 20 minutes and appear to be distraught and sad that the ace fell on the river. I think for two minutes and push all in for my remaining 120 dollars on the flop. MP calls with worse ace. I nearly triple up. Very nice night. Too bad, I am still down 120 dollars at this point. Shit. I put on my Ipod and play solid poker for the next 3 hours and come up 50 bucks and call it a night.

Overall, this was a great experience. I learned that there are lots of ups and downs to poker and I have to just take the beats and go with it. I really plan on excelling in online tournaments this semester because that’s where my conservative and aggressive play comes into play. I always play good in online tournaments. I play a lot better in live cash games also. So, I found my niche and I need to stick with it.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Money Making Ideas and Stupidity

So the new fad is purchasing Playstation 3's are reselling them on eBay. Looking back 20/20 hindsight that is the fucking stupidest thing I have done ever. I waited 35 hours in hopes to make a quick grand or two, but it is too good to be true. The Ebay market right now is flooded with 25000 people attempting to make a quick buck. Just like the myth or the story of Rockefeller hearing a taxi driver tell him on how to get rich. At that time, he knew the market was flooded and the market would soon crash. He took his money out and maintained his wealth.

There are a lot of situations in the stock market that will be very similar to this one. And the ability to recognize a peaked market is very important. I was very gullible to believe there would be an easy way to make some quick cash. I was gambling with idea that I would make money by sitting in a line. I will be making around 500 dollars in this process. But it was definitely not worth it.
I should have realized there was going to be an influx re-seller online when there were 12 resellers at the Wal-Mart I was at. Being the fucking schmuck that I am, I decided to wait patiently until midnight between Thursday and Friday.

This by far was a terrible experience. I think next years re-selling market will be a lot better but, I would not want to try and see. The only money to be made is in the pre-selling market because there are the retards that must have it the very first day.

Enough about my bad experience with PS3, go here for information on the Nintendo Wii’s. They seem pretty bad ass, and only for 250 can you get a pretty sweet system. Pricing for the games are definitely reasonable.

Back to some information on what you should read about. Here is some information you should read on bad advice on ETFs.

I am going to subscribe to the online WSJ, just so I can get information on companies and such and learn about the world. It has so much information it is overwhelming

Well I am starting a smoothie business soon and its been having a rough start. This is because of lack of dedication of my partner and me. I need to step up my game and put some effort into my school work and into my business ideas. And learn how to make money. Sloth has always been a devil, that I have to fight against, and I am ready get some work done. I been reading about the market everyday, I should try for 1+ hours, do business ventures for 1+ hours, and do my damn homework. Homework is always so boring because you don’t make money doing homework. But I guess since you can get a better job, if you get better grades, you can make more money. JOB= Just over broke. Living as slave to your boss.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Online Poker and Emotions

This post isn't going to make much sense. Since I just got out drawn about 6 times in a row. Varience. It a bitch. I can't handle it. Hopefully investing isn't as crazy varience as Poker. I would like to post a hand history. Here it goes

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20 (10 handed)

CO (t1500)
Button (t1490)
SB (t1460)
BB (t2030)
UTG (t1460)
UTG+1 (t1100)
UTG+2 (t1500)
MP1 (t1500)
MP2 (t1500)
Hero (t1460)

Preflop: Hero is MP3 with As, Kd.

5 folds, Hero raises to t100, CO calls t100, Button calls t100, SB calls t90, BB calls t80.

Flop: (t500) 4s, 5d, Kh (5 players)

SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets t500, CO raises to t1400, Button folds, SB folds, BB folds, Hero calls t860 (All-In).

Turn: (t3260) 4d (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t3260) 2s (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: t3260

Bad guy flips over A/4...LoL

It is very important to manage your emotion. Online play is probably the most stressful poker playing. I am starting to get frustrated. Most my hands I play online are hands that I am statistical favorites. I would rather lose on bad play because I can just blame myself, but instead I play right and get fucked by the poker gods. It is very frustrating. I know it part of poker and I need to deal with it.

Well back to finance, I think this subject is so interesting. Poker and finance have so much in common. Both are trying to make the best possible solution so you can make the most amount of profit long run. There is such thing is tilt too. You make a bade trade lose money. Emotions take control. You need you understand that everything needs to made with a logical reason. It's about making the best possible decision with incomplete information. The blogs that I list, are the blogs that i think are the most influential blogs to listen to before investing.