Monday, February 11, 2008

Everything is incurred in the price.

Buy high sell low.  I done that officially 2 times.  And i promise myself.  I have to do more research.  I bought tech at its peak in nov.  bought VEU at its peak.  got owned.  and Cities bank at 30 dollars.

Currently.  My portfolio, looks something like this
100 shares of Etrade (ETFC) at 5.00 bought
50 shares of MCD at 51 dollars
60 shares of DBA at 36 dollars

Right now i am looking at UNG and ACI and DBC is also a possibility since i wanted to tap into some OIL but i am not sure. USO is also looking pretty sexy.  I will be ready to jump into some PBW in about 2-3 weeks.  renewable is starting to look pretty good.  Besides my 2 ugly trades i have made.  I am up 8%....but with those trades its pretty bad.  I lost close to 10% with those 3 bad trades.  
both really interesting.

Its an interesting times.  I am finally getting the hang of this garbage.  I am gonna start paper trade shorting.  To be interesting.  I am gonna start shorting everything jim cramer says on TV short term trading.  I think its a good idea.  Price action volitility causes price to shift lower to faster and up slower.  so shorting is pretty profitable.
  I definately want to do this.

Anyone wanna have a side bet with me?


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