Saturday, February 03, 2007

Midnight Poker

Even though this is from last weekend, I still remember the hands being played quite vividly. This was one of the longest sessions I put in a long time. It was definitely pretty crazy. My good friend from school John aka "Murph" drove to Indianapolis to test out our waters as semi-pro poker players and play long a long session till our eyes feel like falling off. Well that’s what we did, I played from 11 PM to 4 am and my friend Murph played until 5:30 am.

A few hands that stuck out in my mind, but one hand that grabbed at my attention is where I got a nice cooler. 1/2 NL I had 300 dollars both villains cover. I was in the BB and there was a small raise MP raise to 7 dollars. This was the small raise of the night, but I were to raise, I would only get called by better hands, so raise would be useless with 2 people in the pot. So MP raises and Button calls, I call behind. Flop is 10/8/7 with 2 spades. I am ecstatic but also mad that there are so many draws out there right now. So I bet 20 dollars in a ~20 dollar pot. Everybody calls. I bet 80 on the turn, and the MP raises all in. Button folds and I call. Set vs. Straight. So dirty, but he landed a nice hand, so I reload.

Couple hands later, I am trying to appearing steaming with A/J suited in the SB. MP raises to 10 dollar 3 caller. I re-raise to 35 dollars. All call, 5 to the Flop, A/J/9 2 clubs. I stare at the flop for 20 minutes and appear to be distraught and sad that the ace fell on the river. I think for two minutes and push all in for my remaining 120 dollars on the flop. MP calls with worse ace. I nearly triple up. Very nice night. Too bad, I am still down 120 dollars at this point. Shit. I put on my Ipod and play solid poker for the next 3 hours and come up 50 bucks and call it a night.

Overall, this was a great experience. I learned that there are lots of ups and downs to poker and I have to just take the beats and go with it. I really plan on excelling in online tournaments this semester because that’s where my conservative and aggressive play comes into play. I always play good in online tournaments. I play a lot better in live cash games also. So, I found my niche and I need to stick with it.


Blogger Eric said...

i tihnkk ull find this interview of taylor interesting. in particular, how he always stayed within his bankroll and started w/ a measly $35.

7:44 PM  

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