Sunday, November 12, 2006

Investing Analysis from a newb

Sorry my writing sucks.

I am a newb investor that will be joining the market in about of month after I speak to more people. I am probably going to start a Roth IRA so I can get ready for retirement when I am 60. Even though I am only 20 years old, this is still 40 years away. I don't have cash right now, so I guess I need to plan for the future. Recently I have been reading a lot about investing for long term investments. From what I have gathered from the dozens of articles I have read is
investing is long term

  • ETFs are the shit
  • Mutual funds are overrated and don't get the market yield
  • If your dumb, go index funds.

All this investment information is really interesting and I want to get into the market, but from the twoplustwo forums they say I should diversify my money when investing into the market. For example, invest every 10% every 6 months until my bankroll is gone so I can get rid of market variance. Which is a very interesting fact. I don't really know yet. Currently I am struggling with myself and not sure what I should do with the 10k loan from my parents to start a business. Whether I should selfishly invest the money for my future or start up my own business with the help of my roommate/friend. Both have conflicts I have to work through, though the latter seems a lot tougher. Throwing all my money into an account and letting the market yield itself does seem kind of fun though. I am still trying to figure out what percent of small cap and medium cap I should invest in. I am going to speak with numerous people about this.

My last ramble, one thing that I am extremely upset with is how I didn’t short sell Party Poker after the new legislation. I would have made a fortune. All though I can still probably do it, I won’t profit it from it as much. Let alone have the ball to short sell it. Really risky.


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